PMLN Pledged Support For Media Joint Action Committee Against PECA

ISLAMABAD: PMLN has pledged complete support for Media Joint Action Committee against the PECA Laws.

In a statement Marriyum said this Ordinance was a unique blunder where punishment comes before even defining the crime. Independent and upright judges had been made to bow down before the administration which was against the concept of freedom and independence of the judiciary. This black law was a violation of the constitution of Pakistan and the spirit of the freedoms it promises, she added. She went on to say that PECA was a violation of basic human rights.

The former Information Minister said the PMLN would fight at all forums to defend the freedom of expression and freedom of the press and media. This PECA was basically a rebranded and re-engineered version of the rejected Pakistan Media Development Authority.

She said PMLN would fight this draconian and despotic tyrannical rule of Imran Khan with democratic and Constitutional means. Lawyers, mediapersons, and political workers would join forces with the general public of Pakistan to defeat these forces of fascism. This she said was a battle to guard the constitution and democracy of Pakistan which would be fought with everything one could muster up. Imran, like every other despot before him, was destined to be defeated, she said.