Imran’s Eyewash Relief Package To Bring More Inflation – Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: Former Prime Minister  and PMLN Senior Vice President Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has said that the PTI government’s desperate releif plan fiasco would destroy the national economy further, burden the people with more taxes and make the future of Pakistan even more bleak.

At a press conference in Islamabad, flanked by former Finamce Minister  Miftah Ismail,  Abbasi said that this government had already surrendered the entire economy and National economic institutions to the IMF.  Recently in its mini-budget, PTI imposed over Rs 700 billion in taxes on the people.

“Imran Khan has announced this releif package but there is no money allocated in the main or the mini-budget foray of this. This means that this releif package is a desperate action to take more loans and add more burden to the economy to win back voters who had abandoned Imran due to the disastrous PTI rule”, he said.

The fomer Prime Minister said the PTI had clearly said that there was no room for any reduction in petrol prices and electricity prices because it had to fulfil the pledges made to the IMF.  This releif package means that the government would make running the country virtually impossible for anyone who proceeds after them. This strategy was a clear manifestation of intentionally destroying National economy for political gains and vengeance at the se time he said.

the inflation would increase by decreasing the power tariff by Rs 5 per unit.

Addressing a press conference in Islamabad on Tuesday, the prime minister who advice others of not worrying is himself worried. The speeches of Prime Minister Imran Khan didn’t mention budget and Pakistan will have to complete IMF program by taking additional loans and the inflation will increase.

The former PM said that in his speech PM Imran Khan denied all his policies and said that the government is reducing inflation but the reality is opposite as the prices of petrol and diesel increased Rs 40 during the past four months.

If the government was to curb the inflation then they should have slashed the prices of atta, ghee and sugar, he maintained. Abbasi said that the people of the country were in such a miserable state that these crutches offered by the government would not bear the burden of this catastrophic PTI government.

The PML-N leader said that the government came to power in an unconstitutional manner but will be sent home packing in constitutional way.

“The so-called accountability was brutally exposed with no evidence and no witnesses but mere false accusations by PTI  touts and abuse of power by Imran to misuse authority ” he said.